Part 2 Relationship with Jesus

Start:Feb 28, 2025

Duration:20 Minutes

Goal: this Cognitive Trail will improve the success of making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the speci ... Read More


Published By:

Mustard Seed

Summary: Making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Step 1

What is the name of the person you feel closest to in your life?

Write down your answer

Step 2

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel you know and love that person?

Step 3

Being very honest, on a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel you know and love Jesus?

Step 4

Identify and make a list of the people, concerns and interests that, again, in all honesty, are more important to you than your relationship with Jesus?

Take your time with this and be thorough with your answers.

Step 5

“You cannot love a fellow creature fully till you love God.”
― C.S Lewis, The Great Divorce

Do you agree?

(Note: to read more quotes from C.S Lewis' book 'The Great Divorce, go to 'Documents'.)

Step 6

Would you like to strengthen your relationship with Christ?

If your answer is "Yes", go to the next step. If your answer is "No", you can stop this Navitent at this Step. Feel free to return at another time.

Step 7

Take the following steps:

a) Begin by allowing yourself to get quiet. Take a few deep breaths.
b) When you are ready, imagine that you are physically with the Lord. If you can, wait until he appears in your mind's eye.
c) Now, read Psalm 139:23 to him:

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life."

d) Repeat step 'c' until you are confident that you have said these words to Jesus as if they were your own.
e) Remain quiet while listening to how The Lord responds to you.

In the space provided, write down anything you believe the Lord is revealing to you.

Step 8

Returning to the visual of the Lord, is there something you would like to confess and repent of?

If "Yes", you can do so privately or in the space provided.

(Note: The word in the New Testament usually translated “repent” is the Greek word “metanoeo”. It means “to change your mind; reconsider; or, to think differently.”)

Step 9

Is there anything you would like to ask of Him?

If so, you can do so now. Again, allow time for Him to respond to you.

Step 10

Read John 10:28-30:

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”

Jesus promises that once you are His, NOTHING can take you away from Him.

Take time to allow this promise to sink in, then select 'Successful' when you are finished.

Step 11

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel you know and love Jesus right now?

Step 12

How did your answer in Step 11 compare to your answer in Step 3?

If your answers were different, how do you explain the difference?

Step 13

You are at the end of this short journey...How much as it helped you to get to know your Lord, Jesus Christ?

Step 14

To proceed to the next Map on your journey, go to 'Related' above and schedule the course: 'Becoming A Gideon: EnlistingIn the Army Of God's Kingdom'.

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