Start:Feb 28, 2025

Goal: this Post will improve the success of making disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the speci ... Read More


Published By:

Mustard Seed

Summary: Investing in the fruits of the Spirit.

Instructions: Choose From Any Fruit In The Basket


Date: Rating: 10 - Highest Fee: FREE Document: Joshua-said-to-the-people.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Love.


Date: Rating: 10 - Highest Fee: FREE Document: Go-Make-Disciples.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Patience.


Date: Rating: 10 - Highest Fee: FREE Document: Are-You-Obessed-By-God.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Love.


Date: 0 Rating: Fee:


Attached Navitent:



Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: poring-it-back-to-the-lord.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Romans_8_35.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Love.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Do-not-rejoice-in-this.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: The-Cetrainty-of-Uncertaity.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Self Control.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: No_Holiday_From_Spirituality.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Self Control.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Obedience_Heaven_Vision.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_God_Almighty.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Kindness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Doubting_Jesus.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Perserverance.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Patience.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Rainbow.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Arise_From_Dead.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Patience.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Hearing_God.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Give_Them_Eyes_To_See.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Kindness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Intimate_Jesus.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Love.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: You-also-be-ready_LUKE-12.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Obedience_Heaven_Vision.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswlad_1-17-20.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_3-8-20.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Love.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_1-19-20.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 9 Fee: FREE Document: Do-not-fret—-it-only-causes-harm.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 8 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Poured_Out.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it: This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Gentleness.


Date: Rating: 7 Fee: FREE Document: Persecuting_Jesus.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it: This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Gentleness.


Date: Rating: 6 Fee: FREE Document: Lillies_Of_The_Field.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Kindness.


Date: Rating: 5 Fee: FREE Document: Beholding_Jesus.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Peace.


Date: Rating: 4 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Utmost.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Self Control.


Date: Rating: 3 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Going_Out.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Kindness.


Date: Rating: 2 Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Security.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Peace.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Peace-I-leave-with-you.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Peace.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Romans_8.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Salvation.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Joy.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Walking_With_God_2.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Walking_With_-God_1.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it: This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Gentleness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: God's_Silence.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Patience.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: bring_joy_to_Jesus.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Joy.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Faith-vs.-Common-Sense-.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: holiness_destiny.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Goodness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: pour_out_to_him.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Kindness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: oswald_confusion.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Patience.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: following_through_difficulites.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Patience.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Gods_Purpose_4_our_life.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Self Control.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: I_Wont_Do_That.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Love.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: No_buts_about_it.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it: This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Gentleness.


Date: Rating: 1 - Lowest Fee: FREE Document: Oswald_Belief.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: No Rating Fee: FREE Document: Accusing_God_Falsey.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.


Date: Rating: No Rating Fee: FREE Document: Jesus_Joy.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Joy.


Date: Rating: No Rating Fee: FREE Document: The-will-to-be-faithful.pdf

Description: Mustard Seed innovations increase our ability to successfully apply God's word to our day-to-day life. In discipleship, we receive the specific step we need when we need it. This Trail is designed to increase the Fruit of Faithfulness.

© 2023 Navitent, Inc. - Deeper Engaged Social Impact